Since 1977 Dan’s Camera City has been a business focused on continuously improving and evolving to remain relevant to our customers and to attract future customers. We have seen our customers wanting to interact and experience their hobby in a more hands-on environment. While we have been doing this through our various education classes and marketing events, we felt the need to develop a more convenient way for customers to gain hands-on experience. We feel that now is the time to announce Phase One of creating Dan’s Urban Photo Park.
Fortunately, our founder, Dan Poresky, had the forethought to purchase a section of land behind our Allentown store. We have crafted plans to develop this large outdoor space in multiple ways. After discussions with our staff, camera manufacturer representatives and trainers, landscapers, and of course, our customers we have compiled an array of ideas.
In discussions with our customers and staff, we realized the need and opportunity for us to offer more in several areas throughout our business.
When it’s finished, the Urban Photo Park will encompass over 45,000 square feet. This will be a constantly evolving project as we learn what works well, and what we can improve upon. We will be building out the plan in phases. We want to ensure we meet the variety of needs and wishes we have for the space. We do not know of any other purpose-built space such as this in the country, so we have no guide we can work from. We appreciate your following our progress, and invite you to provide feedback at any point on any aspect. Watch for our ribbon cutting in a few weeks as we wrap-up Phase One of the project.
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