When we're shooting video, we usually want smooth, cinematic looking footage. Let's take a look at how a variable neutral density filter makes it easy.
To get that smooth, cinematic look we want to keep our shutter speed at 2x the frame rate we're filming at. So if we're filming at 30 fps, our target shutter speed is 1/60 sec. But if you go outside on a bright sunny day with a 1/60 shutter speed, your footage will probably be way too bright.
To fix it, first let's turn on zebra stripes on your camera, to see exactly what our exposure looks like. Zebra Stripes is a setting that lets you see exactly where in the frame your exposure is above a certain threshold. Set that threshold at 90.
Now we just need to get the exposure down to where we want it. Dial in your variable neutral density filter until only the brightest white parts of the picture show those zebra stripes.
That's it! Now you can shoot wide open on a nice large-aperture prime lens outside on a sunny day and still get that smooth, cinematic look by keeping your shutter speed at double your frame rate.
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